Channel: Comments for The Developer's Tidbits

Comment on Nginx as a Reverse-Proxy to Apache Tomcat by Ben


Google nginx websocket proxy ? The instructions look to be clear cut.

Comment on Run Ubuntu 16.04 on Windows 10 Creators Update by Anthony (@svperflvid)


So I’ve created a symbolic link in Linux to a folder on Windows, but when I update files in that folder on Windows the changes aren’t reflected on Linux. I find this strange because from what I’ve read a symbolic link is simply a path to a file or folder. But then why aren’t the changes on Windows reflected in Linux? How do I “refresh” the Linux files?

Comment on Run Ubuntu 16.04 on Windows 10 Creators Update by Ben


There is no such command that I know of & I am not sure why you have that issue. As on my system any changes made by Windows are reflected in Linux as soon as I run a command.

The only thing I can think of are the obvious possibilities. Ie is the symlink actually pointed to the correct directory etc.

Comment on Nginx as a Reverse-Proxy to Apache Tomcat by Nginx as a Reverse-Proxy to Apache Tomcat | Garapost KnowledgeBase

Comment on Make the Windows Command Prompt, Linux-like by Pranjal Rajput


i chose D: for installing terminal.

D:\terminal>type “ANSI Prompt Colours.txt”
The system cannot find the file specified.

Comment on Make the Windows Command Prompt, Linux-like by Ben

Comment on Nginx as a Reverse-Proxy to Apache Tomcat by Wlademy Damasceno


http://i0.poll.fm/js/rating/rating.jsI have the folling problem:
My default.conf file have a folling simple configuration:

location /pgstudio {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/pgstudio/;

When i access http://mysite.com/pgstudio/ (with / at final), my application open correctly. But when i access without / at final (http://mysite.com/pgstudio), the application is displayed without some resourses, for example: css files. It’s as if the files were not with your links correctly configured.

Could you help me solve this problem? I’m new to nginx, I just need an orientation.
Thanks for listening.

Comment on Nginx as a Reverse-Proxy to Apache Tomcat by Ben

Hi Wlademy, you might try apppending a <code>/</code> to your location, ie <code>location /pgstudio/ {</code>. I'd also recommend reading some beginners guides on nginx as it is very fussy with its syntax.

Comment on Implement a SFTP Service for Ubuntu/Debian With a Chroot’ed, Isolated File Directory. by Emil Connelly Larsen


Hi Ben,
Thanks for this super guide. I am using it on a VM hosted in a Google Cloud instance. It gives the error message: “Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)”
It could be that the server requires the use of public/private keys and not passwords. If I want to use public/private keys, I would normally put the key in the .ssh directory of the user, but without a user directory, is there a way around that? I tried not having -M but a user directory isn’t made (maybe because it relates to the sftpgroup).

Comment on Implement a SFTP Service for Ubuntu/Debian With a Chroot’ed, Isolated File Directory. by Ben

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